
Alex Wentz

Software Engineer • STEM Teacher • Problem Solver


Alex (they/them) is currently a software engineer specializing in frontend development with an emphasis in mobile experiences. Technical skills they leverage most frequently include:

  • JavaScript

  • git

  • React Native

  • React

  • Jest

  • Appium

Before becoming an engineer, Alex was a math teacher for several years and regularly sought ways to make an impact beyond their classroom. They found the career fulfilling in many ways; it was just time for a new kind of challenge. Being a teacher made them a better learner and communicator, skills they leverage every day as an engineer.Alex currently resides in Rhode Island with my wife and two cats.


Refuge Restrooms
github repo
The Refuge Restrooms mobile app enables users to find safe and accessible public restrooms. The app is built with React Native, Redux, and the Refuge Restrooms and Google Maps APIs. Users can build a profile, search for restrooms using Google Maps, and see details about bathroom locations. Built with a small team at Kin + Carta in early 2022.

Buy Nothing GR
github repo
The Buy Nothing Project aims to reduce consumption and waste by facilitating a gift-based economy. This project is a proof of concept full stack web app using React and Ruby on Rails. It was my final project for Flatiron School, completed in January 2022.

Mount Algo
github repo
A full stack web application using React, Ruby on Rails, and user authentication, Mount Algo is a game that makes practicing algorithms fun and engaging. Group project completed for Flatiron School in Dec 2021.

Blog Spotlights

Conditional Rendering in React: A Quick Introduction
Working with Tables in React: Render and Edit Fetched Data
Your Go-To Rails Command Line Cheat Sheet!